The Board of the Foundation Stiftung zur Förderung des Vedischen Weltkulturerbes:

Lothar Pirc
CEO Maharishi Ayurveda Privatklinik Bad Ems

Dr Karin Pirc
Board member
Senior physician and psychologist

Genoveva Ratke
Board member

Kingsley Brooks
Board member

Lukas Graf Blücher
Board member

Dr Malte Hozzel
Board member
The German Foundation, Stiftung zur Förderung des Vedischen Weltkulturerbes, is a grantmaking foundation, supporting the charitable Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture, with its seat in Kathmandu, Nepal.
Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture

Prior to its establishment in 2012, considerable work to support and train pandits had already been done for more than 3 years by another Nepalese organization, on whose work it was possible to build. As it is unthinkable that Nepal can provide the necessary financing for this on its own, it was necessary to look for alternative sources for support outside of Nepal. To begin with Germany, the articles of Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture, newly established in 2012, took full account of German legal requirements for nonprofit organizations. This enables the German Foundation, Stiftung zur Förderung des Vedischen Weltkulturerbes, to accept tax-deductible donations in Germany for work in Nepal. The sponsors will be informed on a regular basis of the progress of the project and are cordially invited to visit the project at any time to experience firsthand their donations at work.

In accordance with the objectives of the two foundations, in Germany and Nepal, donations are used for the living expenses of the pandits, as well as for renting schools and boarding schools in Nepal for running the educational training. This offers the children of traditional Nepalese families the possibility of vocational training as Vedic experts (pandits).

Therefore the Foundation’s vision is to provide employment to pandits, already trained in this profession, to carry out on a permanent basis the performance of Vedic Recitations and Yagyas. Furthermore, to supervise the education of the younger pandit students, senior pandits and administrative staff are employed and provided with a salary, as well as room and board. The children from villages where there were previously no job prospects are also provided with room and board during their pandit training.
The Nepal Leadership Team:

Chairman of the Foundation
Chairman of Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture:
Deepak Baskota – former Nepal Home Minister of State, former Chairman of the Nepal Federation of Cooperatives and current Director of Kanchenjunga Tea Estates. Currently Mr Baskota is Chairman of Ganeshman Singh Memorial Hospital and Research Center in Kathmandu, Nepal. In addition Mr Baskota has been a founder and leader in the Nepal agricultural cooperative movement and has been a leader in promoting organic agriculture – working with government to make Nepal a completely organic country.
Additional Members of the Leadership Team:

Dilli Adhikari – Board Member and supervisor of the daily Pandit recitations and Yagya Program

Samikchya Baskota – Board Member and Legal Counsel
Kingsley Brooks and Leslie Brooks, as well as Royal Lillge (MBA) and Robert Wallace are assisting Mr. Baskota and are also functioning as the permanent representatives of the German Foundation, Förderung des Vedischen Weltkulturerbes, in order to ensure the proper use of the donations in accordance with the articles of charitable organizations.