News 2017 – 2015

Rudrabhishek Yagya. Since August 2017, after some 1500 senior pandit students from various pandit schools have been trained in Rudrabhishek, they perform this peace yagya daily – in groups of 11, 22, 33, or 44, each in their own school – all at the same time of day. Rudrabhishek includes extensive recitation of Vedic texts along with the execution of precise actions.

Spring 2017
Pandit Acharya Course. The project is expanding greatly, so in March 2017, a third four-month course was started to train new pandit instructors (Pandit Acharyas). After their training, the 28 course participants will each take charge of one pandit school (Gurukul).

November 2016
After 1500 of the senior pandit students were trained for the Rudra Bishek Peace Yagya, since August 2017, these 1500 pandit students have been performing these Vedic recitations, combined with the corresponding Vedic action sequences, daily and simultaneously in the various pandit schools, with a group of 11, 22, 33 or 44 pandits performing this Peace Yagya in each pandit school.

October 2016
Like every year, an NMFVC inspection team visited the 48 different Vedic schools (Gurukuls) in various parts of Nepal, where the training of the young pundits took place.

May 2016
In May, a four-month course for new Pandit Acharyas (Pandit Acharyas) started with 36 Acharyas, who after their training, each looked after a Panditschule (Gurukul).

January 2016
From the 11th – 14th. January Dr. Karin Pirc and Lothar Pirc visited the central educational institution of the Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture (NMFVC) in Kathmandu, where they attended the celebrations at the beginning of the year. Afterwards, they visited a beautifully situated plot in the immediate vicinity of Kathmandu, where a new campus for the training of Vedic Pandits is to be created.

December 2015
2015 has been a year of rapid expansion of all projects of the Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture (NMFVC), as the popularity of its educational and training programs have grown in popularity tremendously this year.
In the central Kathmandu campus there are more than 50 young Pandits students in residence to become fully trained Vedic Pandits. They are being provided with full room and board as well as access to all the academic facilities required for their training and Vedic course of studies.

Furthermore, this year, 30 Gurukuls (Vedic Pandit Schools) in different areas of Nepal with about 1100 Pandit students participated in the programs of the NMFVC. All of these Gurukuls have the supervision of fully trained Pandit teachers to assure the proper practice of all aspects of the young Pandits’ daily routine with Vedic recitations and Vedic yagyas.
We expect that the number of those schools will have increased from 30 to at least 50 by the end of 2016.
We owe the progress and success of our programs to the kind and generous donors, who have given their on-going support for all these programs. We are very grateful to them.

April 2015
In April, 2015 Nepal was stricken by two powerful earthquake and many significant after shocks lasting nearly a month. As the Himalayas are an extremely seismic part of the earth, the scientists had been predicting a major earthquake in Nepal for some time. As reported in the world news, loss of life and property damage was quite high and it will take time for Nepal to fully recover.
In April, 2015 Nepal was stricken by two powerful earthquake and many significant after shocks lasting nearly a month. As the Himalayas are an extremely seismic part of the earth, the scientists had been predicting a major earthquake in Nepal for some time. As reported in the world news, loss of life and property damage was quite high and it will take time for Nepal to fully recover.
We are grateful to be able to report that despite the tragic and difficult time the faced by the nation, our NMFVC programs have been uninterrupted and there has been little earthquake damage to our facilities and family members.
We are grateful to be able to report that despite the tragic and difficult time the faced by the nation, our NMFVC programs have been uninterrupted and there has been little earthquake damage to our facilities and family members.

Also the timing of the earthquake at mid-day on a Saturday, insured that most Nepali villagers were outside tending their fields and schools and work were closed so as few people as possible were actually inside buildings. This fact was responsible for saving uncountable lives.
Nepal has many challenges ahead as it enters into a reconstruction phase. All of our practitioners of the TM technique and its advanced TM and TM-Sidis program including yogic flying, are very aware that their contribution to creating coherence in collective consciosuness is needed at this critical time in Nepal’s history. The NMFVC team are maintaining their coherence creating programs and expanding as quickly as possible. In addition, the NMFVC team will be making presentations to Government and Civil leaders to encourage them to implement our practical programs for helping in the reconstruction of Nepal. A critical element in the reconstruction process will be the timely application of Maharishi Vastu Vidya or Vedic architecture. The purpose of the Vedic knowledge of architecture (Vastu Vidya) is to maintain individual life in harmony with cosmic life and connect individual intelligence with cosmic intelligence thereby bringing nourishing influences to every home, workplace, and even entire communities. Within auspicious Vastu-based communities, everyone has the opportunity to enjoy the support of Natural Law in daily life.
January 12th, 2015
The Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture began the year 2015 with a large celebration attended by hundreds of people from the Kathmandu area including Vedic Students (Batuk Pandits), teachers of the Transcendental Meditation (TM) program, practitioners and supporters of Nepal’s TM program, the general public, and special guests. The 12 January annual celebration marked the beginning of the New Year for all of our Vedic Programs in Nepal and the day was filled with traditional music, Vedic recitations, and presentations on Maharishi Vedic Science. The young Pandits were very much appreciated by everyone and as time goes by the profundity of their educational experience under the Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture, has become more apparent.

The success of the 2014 programs has created a demand from Gurukuls across Nepal and the NMFVC management team is discussing how to meet this demand while providing quality Maharishi Vedic Education for as many Gurukuls as possible. The Maharishi Vedic Yagya program should soon be available in many new locations before the end of this 2015 year.
In January, we constructed three new Maharishi Sthapatya Veda Yagyashalas at our Central Campus of the NMFVC in Kathmandu. These additional facilities will give us more space and a coherent environment for the performance and practice of Maharishi Vedic Yagyas. The performance of Maharishi Vedic Yagyas in many locations throughout Nepal is now well established. The times are coordinated with all the different locations so as to generate as much collective positivity and coherence in the environment as possible as part of the regular practice and study of the Vedic Students.