Vedic Pandits

News 2024-2018

Chandra Giri Hills temple over looking Kathmandu Valley


December 2024

The Gurukul program of the Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture for the education of young Nepalese Vedic Pandits continues to be very successful. A total of 89 Gurukuls (Pandit schools) in different parts of Nepal with more than 3,100 Pandit students are participating in this training program of the Foundation.

At all these gurukuls (pandit schools), the Rudrabhishek Yagya for global peace and harmony is conducted simultaneously every morning from 6:30 a.m. Nepali time, made possible by daily video conferencing.

After the Nepalese government approved in July 2023 the opening of a separate gurukul with official Sanskrit school status on the Brahmananda Saraswati Nagar Pandit campus built according to Vastu principles above Kathmandu, the number of students increased from 35 to 65 in 2024.

Pandit students of the Gurukul of the Brahmanada Saraswati Nagar Pandit Campus

At this pandit campus, the Rudrabhishek Yagya for global peace and harmony is performed daily by 121 Vedic Pandits for the Pashupatinath temple, which is only about 10 kilometers away by air, and has continued to be broadcast live every day on the local TV channel SPACE 4K TV since November 2023.

121 Vedic Pandits performing the Rudrabhishek Yagya daily


December 2023

The Gurukul program for the education of young Nepalese Maharishi Vedic Pandits continues to be very successful and is expanding from year to year. In 2023, the number of participating Gurukuls (Pandit schools) in different parts of Nepal has grown from 83 to 89, with more than 3,100 Pandit students in total.

Gurukul (Pandit School) in Pokhara during the visit of Vastu architect Bruce Hahn

This year, too, the great Ati Rudrabhishek Yagya for Global Peace and Harmony was conducted daily and simultaneously at all these 89 Pandit Schools, with a total number of participants of at least 1,331 Maharishi Vedic Pandits, i.e. 11 x 11 x 11 Pandits, or in other words, 121 groups of 11 Pandits each, plus an additional safety factor of 4 further groups of 11. Every morning from 6:30 a.m. Nepalese time, all of these 89 Gurukuls are connected via video conference to perform this great Yagya together.

November 2023

At the Brahmananda Saraswati Nagar Pandit Campus above Kathmandu, which was newly built according to Vastu principles, young Pandit students and adult Pandits, whose daily routine includes the performance of various yagyas, fill this campus with life.

Pandit students and adult Vedic Pandits of the Brahmananda Saraswati Nagar Campus

121 Maharishi Vedic Pandits perform the Rudrabhishek Yagya here every day for the large Pashupatinath temple, which is only about 10 kilometers away by air.
Since November this year, this yagya has been broadcast live daily on the local television station SPACE 4K TV.

121 Vedic Pandits performing the Rudrabhishek Yagya daily

July 2023

In July of this year, the Nepalese government approved the opening of a separate gurukul (pandit school) with official school status at the Brahmananda Saraswati Nagar Pandit Campus. The young Pandit students are taught the various state-prescribed school subjects and trained as Vedic Pandits by several teachers under the supervision of a principal.

Pandit students of the Brahmananda Saraswati Nagar Campus at class

March 2023

In Jhapa, the easternmost part of Nepal, a new construction project based on Vastu principles has been started for conducting yagyas and accommodating Vedic Pandits.

Pandit building in Jhapa for 88 Vedic Pandits as the 1st construction phase of a larger complex


December 2022

The Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture’s Gurukul Programme for training young Nepalese Maharishi Vedic Pandits continues to be unique in the world.

Since 2017, over 80 Gurukuls (Pandit schools) in different parts of Nepal have been connected via video conferencing every morning from 6:30 am Nepali time to jointly and simultaneously conduct the Rudrabhishek Yagya for Global Peace and Harmony. In the last few months it has been possible, as before the pandemic, to reach the number of participants for the big Ati Rudrabhishek Yagya, namely at least 1,331 Maharishi Vedic Pandits, i.e. 11 x 11 x 11 Pandits, who are performing this Yagya simultaneously at currently 83 Gurukuls, after the pandemic-related restrictions have been largely lifted.

Some of the Gurukuls participating in the Rudrabhishek Yagya every morning.

September 2022

In August and September, on 3 different weekends, a total of over 100 interested leaders from all over the country accepted the invitation to visit the Brahmananda Saraswati Nagar-Campus near Kathmandu to gain a comprehensive insight into the Gurukul-Programme of Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture.

At least once a year, all Gurukul leaders come together to participate in training programmes that include all aspects of the Maharishi Vedic Pandit-Programme at their Gurukuls.

Training of Gurukul leaders at the Brahmananda Saraswati Nagar-Campus.

August 2022

Vedic Yagyas are now being performed at the Brahmananda Saraswati Nagar Pandit-Campus, newly built according to the principles of Maharishi Vastu. A short video clip shows adult Pandits along with Pandit students performing Vedic recitations.

Maharishi Vedic Pandits at the Brahmananda Saraswati Nagar Campus performing a Yagya.

July 2022

To provide healthy, high-quality food, vegetables are grown on the newly built Brahmananda Saraswati Nagar-Campus according to the principles of Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture. Recently, the Pandits living there have been trained to perform special Yagya recitations, the sounds of which, according to Vedic tradition, promote the healthy growth of plants.

Here a link to a short video of the Maharishi Vedic Pandits of the Brahmananda Saraswati Nagar-Campus performing the Ashtha Prakriti Yagya for Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture:

Ashtha Prakriti Yagya
Vedic Pandits performing the Ashtha Prakriti Yagya before and during the growing season.


December 2021

The Pandit Project of Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture continued this year at 80 Gurukuls (Pandit schools) in various regions of Nepal, despite the pandemic.

This also allowed the daily Rudrabhishek Yagya program to be maintained with least 880 Pandit students participating in this Yagya for Peace every day.

June 2021

The Brahmananda Saraswati Nagar Champadevi Campus above Kathmandu, is now almost completed in all details, even though there have been repeated delays due to the pandemic.

Brahmananda Saraswati Nagar Campus - Champadevi
VIDEO – Brahmananda Saraswati Nagar Campus - Champadevi

But so far only a few pandits have been able to move in, due to the strict Corona rules. However, if the current positive downward trend in infection numbers continues, we are sure that this campus can soon be fully utilized.


December 2020

The large building project based on the principles of Maharishi Sthapatya Veda above Kathmandu with magnificent views of the Himalayas, that had started in 2018, is now nearing completion. 4 Pandit buildings will house about 360 Vedic Pandits. A course building, designed to accommodate another 70 persons, will be used for the education and training of Acharyas (Pandit trainers) for all of Nepal. For the performance of Yagyas, 18 Yagya Shalas in different sizes have been built.

Brahmananda Saraswati Nagar Campus – Champadevi · in the background the Annapurna Mountains

In 2020 Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic was able to continue its Pandit Project at 84 Gurukuls (Pandit schools). Although the pandemic has led to some restrictions in training operations in various locations, e.g. some of the larger schools were required to reduce enrollments to provide a safe and healthy environment for students; fortunately, however, in order to comply with social distancing rules it has been possible to arrange enough space for at least 11 Pandits in each of the 84 institutions.

Elderly Maharishi Vedic Pandits on the Brahmananda Saraswati Nagar campus in Champadevi

This allowed that the daily Rudrabhishek Yagya Program could be continued with at least 924 Pandits participating in this peace yagya daily.

August 2020

As a contribution to global health during the pandemic, numerous donors to our Foundation have made it possible for the Sahasra Chandi Path Yagya to be conducted by fully trained Vedic Pandits for several weeks at various Gurukuls beginning in late March 2020. This was followed by the Satya Chandi Path Yagya which took place for 100 more days, beginning in late April through early August.

Maharishi Vedic Pandits in Eastern Nepal


December 2019

Meanwhile, the Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture (NMFVC) is supporting 82 Gurukuls (pandit schools) with approximately 3,000 pandit disciples in various parts of Nepal. The young Pandit disciples learn in their education to recite the Vedas correctly and practice the Vedic Technologies of Consciousness in order to successfully combine Yagya and Yoga.

Also in 2019, the Ati-Rudrabhishek Peace-Yagya was performed at these Gurukuls daily and simultaneously by 128 groups of 11 Vedic Pandits each, a total of 1,408 pandits, throughout the year.

Panditschüler während der Rezitation
Pandit students during recitation
Acharyas (pandit instructors) who oversee the NMFVC's Gurukul program, performing Vedic Yagya ceremonies.

November 2019

As every year the Gurukuls were visited by a VIP inspection team in autumn.

Maharishi Vedic Pandits in Jhapa
Dr. Neil Paterson, Kingsley Brooks and Dilli Adhikari with a group of fully trained Maharishi Vedic Pandits at Jhapa
Maharishi Vedic Pandits in Jhapa performing yagyas

In November, a group of German supporters visited different Gurukuls and could convince themselves of the success of the Pandit Project on site.

Die deutsche Gruppe bei ihrem Besuch einer Gurukul in Pokhara
The German group visiting a Gurukul in Pokhara


December 2018

Throughout the year, daily Ati-Rudrabhishek – a peace Yagya by 1331 Pandits – was achieved by synchronizing the local performances of the 80 Gurukuls (Pandit schools) of the Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture in Nepal.

Lothar Pirc with young Pandit students

Thanks to the initiative and generous support from international donors, construction was started of a large-scale Vastu development, which will also be available to the Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture in Nepal. The property is located in a wonderful, quiet location above Kathmandu, with stunning views of the Himalayas. The entire project, with a floor space of more than 7,000 square meters, is planned to be complete by the end of 2019. There will be four dormitories for 360 Vedic Pandits, a course building housing 70 for initial and advanced training of Acharyas (pandit instructors) for all Nepal, and 18 Yagya Shalas of various sizes for the performance of Yagyas.

Construction project above Kathmandu
Construction project (picture taken December 2018)

November 2018

Leslie Brooks, Wojetk Skalski, Lothar Pirc, Acharya TM Teacher, Kingsely Brooks, Tom Mullins

During his second trip to Nepal this year, Lothar Pirc spent two weeks, from late October to early November, visiting pandit schools in and around Pokhara. He was very impressed by how well the Pandit project of the Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture has developed in such a short period of time. The young Pandit students really enjoy their training in authentic Vedic recitation and the practice of Vedic technologies of consciousness, successfully combining Yoga and Yagya.

A few years ago, when it all started with a small group of Pandits, nobody could have imagined this huge expansion and outstanding quality. This has been made possible thanks to the generous support from all well-wishers and the tireless efforts of the entire team in Nepal, especially Deepak Baskota, Chairman of the Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture, and Kingsley and Leslie Brooks.

The following pictures show the various pandit schools in and around Pokhara that Lothar Pirc visited in autumn 2018.

On the occasion of this visit in November 2018, Lothar Pirc was also able to view the construction project above Kathmandu.

Second from left: Lothar Pirc; to his right: Royal Lillge, Robert Wallce, Kingsley Brooks, Wojtek Skalski (architect of the project), Leslie Brooks, Deepak Baskota and those responsible for the construction

April 2018

Lothar Pirc visited Nepal in April 2018 to see the progress and to assess the quality of the Vedic Pandit project of the Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture. Kingsley Brooks gave Mr. Pirc a tour of a sampling from the 80 Pandit Training Schools (Gurukuls) that the Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture supports. The expansion and quality of the Vedic Cultural programs were remarkably apparent during this tour.

Lothar Pirc besucht die Gurukul in Siphal Chauri, Kathmandu, Nepal
Lothar Pirc visits the Gurukul at Siphal Chauri, Kathmandu, Nepal, home of the Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture. Hosting are Kingsley Brooks, Royal Lillge and Robert Wallace.
Ausbildung Vedischer Pandits
Vedic Pandits trained at Central Gurukul in Siphal Chauri, Kathmandu.
Dilli Ram Adhikari, Betreuer des Ausbildungsprogramms
Dilli Ram Adhikari, Supervisor of the Recitation and Yagya Programs, hosting the tour group at the Central Gurukul in Kathmandu.
Lothar Pirc besucht die Uttar Bahini Gurukul in Gokarna, Nepal
Lothar Pirc visiting the Uttar Bahini Gurukul in Gokarna, Nepal. Hosting are Kingsley Brooks, Royal Lillge and Robert Wallace.
Junger Batuk Pandit der Uttar Bahini Gurukul
The Batuk (younger) Pandits of the Uttar Bahini Gurukul are delighted to meet a representative of the German Foundation.
Pandits der Budhanilakanth Gurukul
Pandits of the Budhanilakanth Gurukul greeting the visiting team. Budhanilakanth is a renowned Holy Place in Nepal and is also a UNESCO World Heritage site.
Swami Nigamananda, Leiter der Budhanilakanth Gurukul in Kathmandu, Nepal
Dilli Ram Adhikari, Lothar Pirc, Kingsley Brooks and Royal Lillge are received by Swami Nigamananda, Head of the Budhanilakanth Gurukul in Kathmandu, Nepal.
Kingsley Brooks, Lothar Pirc und Dilli Adhikari mit Swami Nigamananda
Krishna Prasad Lamichane, Kingsley Brooks, Lothar Pirc and Dilli Adhikari with Swami Nigamananda, Head of the Budhanilakanth Gurukul in Kathmandu, Nepal.

March 2018

By now about 2500 Vedic students, spread over 75 pandit schools (Gurukuls) in various regions of Nepal, are trained in the specific way of Vedic recitation by the Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture (NMFVC).

Vedic Recitation
For the articles from 2017 to 2015, please click here.