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December 2020 The large building project based on the principles of Maharishi Sthapatya Veda above Kathmandu with magnificent views of the Himalayas, that had started in 2018, is now nearing completion. 4 Pandit buildings will house about 360 Vedic Pandits. A course building, designed to accommodate another 70 persons, will be used for the education and training of Acharyas (Pandit trainers) for all of Nepal. For the performance of Yagyas, 18 Yagya Shalas in different sizes have been built.
Video In 2020 Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic was able to continue its Pandit Project at 84 Gurukuls (Pandit schools). Although the pandemic has led to some restrictions in training operations in various locations, e.g. some of the larger schools were required to reduce enrollments to provide a safe and healthy environment for students; fortunately, however, in order to comply with social distancing rules it has been possible to arrange enough space for at least 11 Pandits in each of the 84 institutions. ![]() This allowed that the daily Rudrabhishek Yagya Program could be continued with at least 924 Pandits participating in this peace yagya daily. August 2020 As a contribution to global health during the pandemic, numerous donors to our Foundation have made it possible for the Sahasra Chandi Path Yagya to be conducted by fully trained Vedic Pandits for several weeks at various Gurukuls beginning in late March 2020. This was followed by the Satya Chandi Path Yagya which took place for 100 more days, beginning in late April through early August.
December 2019 Meanwhile, the Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture (NMFVC) is supporting 82 Gurukuls (pandit schools) with approximately 3,000 pandit disciples in various parts of Nepal. The young Pandit disciples learn in their education to recite the Vedas correctly and practice the Vedic Technologies of Consciousness in order to successfully combine Yagya and Yoga. Also in 2019, the Ati-Rudrabhishek Peace-Yagya was performed at these Gurukuls daily and simultaneously by 128 groups of 11 Vedic Pandits each, a total of 1,408 pandits, throughout the year.
November 2019 As every year the Gurukuls were visited by a VIP inspection team in autumn.
In November, a group of German supporters visited different Gurukuls and could convince themselves of the success of the Pandit Project on site.
December 2018 Throughout the year, daily Ati-Rudrabhishek – a peace Yagya by 1331 Pandits – was achieved by synchronizing the local performances of the 80 Gurukuls (Pandit schools) of the Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture in Nepal.
Thanks to the initiative and generous support from international donors, construction was started of a large-scale Vastu development, which will also be available to the Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture in Nepal. The property is located in a wonderful, quiet location above Kathmandu, with stunning views of the Himalayas. The entire project, with a floor space of more than 7,000 square meters, is planned to be complete by the end of 2019. There will be four dormitories for 360 Vedic Pandits, a course building housing 70 for initial and advanced training of Acharyas (pandit instructors) for all Nepal, and 18 Yagya Shalas of various sizes for the performance of Yagyas.
November 2018
During his second trip to Nepal this year, Lothar Pirc spent two weeks, from late October to early November, visiting pandit schools in and around Pokhara. He was very impressed by how well the Pandit project of the Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture has developed in such a short period of time. The young Pandit students really enjoy their training in authentic Vedic recitation and the practice of Vedic technologies of consciousness, successfully combining Yoga and Yagya. A few years ago, when it all started with a small group of Pandits, nobody could have imagined this huge expansion and outstanding quality. This has been made possible thanks to the generous support from all well-wishers and the tireless efforts of the entire team in Nepal, especially Deepak Baskota, Chairman of the Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture, and Kingsley and Leslie Brooks. The following pictures show the various pandit schools in and around Pokhara that Lothar Pirc visited in autumn 2018.
Anlässlich dieses Besuchs konnte Lothar Pirc auch das Bauprojekt oberhalb von Kathmandu besichtigen.
April 2018 Lothar Pirc visited Nepal in April 2018 to see the progress and to assess the quality of the Vedic Pandit project of the Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture. Kingsley Brooks gave Mr. Pirc a tour of a sampling from the 80 Pandit Training Schools (Gurukuls) that the Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture supports. The expansion and quality of the Vedic Cultural programs were remarkably apparent during this tour.
By now about 2500 Vedic students, spread over 75 pandit schools (Gurukuls) in various regions of Nepal, are trained in the specific way of Vedic recitation by the Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture (NMFVC). ![]() ![]() August 2017 Rudrabhishek Yagya. Since August 2017, after some 1500 senior pandit students from various pandit schools have been trained in Rudrabhishek, they perform this peace yagya daily – in groups of 11, 22, 33, or 44, each in their own school – all at the same time of day. Rudrabhishek includes extensive recitation of Vedic texts along with the execution of precise actions. ![]() Spring 2017 Pandit Acharya Course. The project is expanding greatly, so in March 2017, a third four-month course was started to train new pandit instructors (Pandit Acharyas). After their training, the 28 course participants will each take charge of one pandit school (Gurukul). ![]() November 2016
October 2016 Like every year, an NMFVC inspection team visited the 48 different Vedic schools (Gurukuls) in various parts of Nepal, where the training of the young pundits took place.
May 2016 In May, a four-month course for new Pandit Acharyas (Pandit Acharyas) started with 36 Acharyas, who after their training, each looked after a Panditschule (Gurukul).
January 2016 From the 11th - 14th. January Dr. Karin Pirc and Lothar Pirc visited the central educational institution of the Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture (NMFVC) in Kathmandu, where they attended the celebrations at the beginning of the year. Afterwards, they visited a beautifully situated plot in the immediate vicinity of Kathmandu, where a new campus for the training of Vedic Pandits is to be created. Dr. Karin Pirc and Lothar Pirc (on the left) visited the property, together with the Nepalese architect, an American architect and two project managers. December 2015 2015 has been a year of rapid expansion of all projects of the Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture (NMFVC), as the popularity of its educational and training programs have grown in popularity tremendously this year. In the central Kathmandu campus there are more than 50 young Pandits students in residence to become fully trained Vedic Pandits. They are being provided with full room and board as well as access to all the academic facilities required for their training and Vedic course of studies.
Furthermore, this year, 30 Gurukuls (Vedic Pandit Schools) in different areas of Nepal with about 1100 Pandit students participated in the programs of the NMFVC. All of these Gurukuls have the supervision of fully trained Pandit teachers to assure the proper practice of all aspects of the young Pandits’ daily routine with Vedic recitations and Vedic yagyas. We expect that the number of those schools will have increased from 30 to at least 50 by the end of 2016. We owe the progress and success of our programs to the kind and generous donors, who have given their on-going support for all these programs. We are very grateful to them.
April 2015 In April, 2015 Nepal was stricken by two powerful earthquake and many significant after shocks lasting nearly a month. As the Himalayas are an extremely seismic part of the earth, the scientists had been predicting a major earthquake in Nepal for some time. As reported in the world news, loss of life and property damage was quite high and it will take time for Nepal to fully recover. In April, 2015 Nepal was stricken by two powerful earthquake and many significant after shocks lasting nearly a month. As the Himalayas are an extremely seismic part of the earth, the scientists had been predicting a major earthquake in Nepal for some time. As reported in the world news, loss of life and property damage was quite high and it will take time for Nepal to fully recover. We are grateful to be able to report that despite the tragic and difficult time the faced by the nation, our NMFVC programs have been uninterrupted and there has been little earthquake damage to our facilities and family members. We are grateful to be able to report that despite the tragic and difficult time the faced by the nation, our NMFVC programs have been uninterrupted and there has been little earthquake damage to our facilities and family members. Picture: The ladies from Nepal’s Global Mother Divine Organization (GMDO) went to several villages, that had suffered from the earthquakes, and offered relief and aid. Also the timing of the earthquake at mid-day on a Saturday, insured that most Nepali villagers were outside tending their fields and schools and work were closed so as few people as possible were actually inside buildings. This fact was responsible for saving uncountable lives. Nepal has many challenges ahead as it enters into a reconstruction phase. All of our practitioners of the TM technique and its advanced TM and TM-Sidis program including yogic flying, are very aware that their contribution to creating coherence in collective consciosuness is needed at this critical time in Nepal's history. The NMFVC team are maintaining their coherence creating programs and expanding as quickly as possible. In addition, the NMFVC team will be making presentations to Government and Civil leaders to encourage them to implement our practical programs for helping in the reconstruction of Nepal. A critical element in the reconstruction process will be the timely application of Maharishi Vastu Vidya or Vedic architecture. The purpose of the Vedic knowledge of architecture (Vastu Vidya) is to maintain individual life in harmony with cosmic life and connect individual intelligence with cosmic intelligence thereby bringing nourishing influences to every home, workplace, and even entire communities. Within auspicious Vastu-based communities, everyone has the opportunity to enjoy the support of Natural Law in daily life. January 12th, 2015 The Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture began the year 2015 with a large celebration attended by hundreds of people from the Kathmandu area including Vedic Students (Batuk Pandits), teachers of the Transcendental Meditation (TM) program, practitioners and supporters of Nepal’s TM program, the general public, and special guests. The 12 January annual celebration marked the beginning of the New Year for all of our Vedic Programs in Nepal and the day was filled with traditional music, Vedic recitations, and presentations on Maharishi Vedic Science. The young Pandits were very much appreciated by everyone and as time goes by the profundity of their educational experience under the Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture, has become more apparent. Picture: 12. January 2015. Annual celebration to mark the beginning of the New Year for all of our Vedic Programs. The young Pandits were very much appreciated by everyone as the profundity of their educational experience under the Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture (NMFVC), has become more apparent. The success of the 2014 programs has created a demand from Gurukuls across Nepal and the NMFVC management team is discussing how to meet this demand while providing quality Maharishi Vedic Education for as many Gurukuls as possible. The Maharishi Vedic Yagya program should soon be available in many new locations before the end of this 2015 year. In January, we constructed three new Maharishi Sthapatya Veda Yagyashalas at our Central Campus of the NMFVC in Kathmandu. These additional facilities will give us more space and a coherent environment for the performance and practice of Maharishi Vedic Yagyas. The performance of Maharishi Vedic Yagyas in many locations throughout Nepal is now well established. The times are coordinated with all the different locations so as to generate as much collective positivity and coherence in the environment as possible as part of the regular practice and study of the Vedic Students. November 2014 In November of 2014, the NMFVC management team conducted an inspection tour of 15 different Vedic Schools (Gurukuls) where the Maharishi Vedic Science programs and the training of young Vedic Pandits is being conducted in Nepal. The inspection team included: Chairman Deepak Baskota, Raja Kingsley and Mother of the Domain Leslie, Wojtek Skalski, a renown architect and expert in Maharishi Sthapatya Veda, and the Nepal Purusha Team. Picture: NMFVC management team on inspection tour of 15 different Vedic Schools. From left to right: Deepak Baskota, Kingsley and Leslie Brooks, Wojtek Skalski, expert in Maharishi Sthapatya Veda. Picture: Maharishi Vedic Pandits welcome the NMFVC inspection team. Picture: The Gurukuls are very popular with the traditional rural people and are supported by the local parents and villagers. They appreciate the programs of the NMFVC as a very important contribution to the Vedic Culture of Nepal. This inspection tour was very inspiring and stimulated many ideas and resolutions to advance the educational programs of the NMFVC. Visiting the 15 different schools and seeing the happy and vibrant young Vedic students, teachers, and staff was a memorable event for everyone. The Gurukuls are mostly in rural areas of Nepal and epitomize the traditional Vedic lifestyle and ideal routine for a Vedic Pandits. These schools are very popular with the traditional rural people and it was uplifting to see the participation and support these schools receive from the local parents and villagers. Our visiting management team gave presentations and encouraged the Gurukul leaders to strengthen and expand their Gurukul program. The young Pandits attending these schools were enthusiastic to demonstrate their proficiency in Sanskrit recitation—even to the extent of reciting Sanskrit poetry that they had composed. We all enjoyed the hospitality and warm reception we received from everyone. In review of the year, the management team has seen a good level of progress in all the programs of the NMFVC. The program’s benefits are being appreciated by the students, teachers, and the society at large as a very important contribution to the Vedic Culture of Nepal. At the same time the practical and scientific explanation and validation of the these programs is very much appreciated and helps to validate the work of the NMFVC—what was just an idea a year ago has become a reality. We look forward to more progress in 2015. June 2014 NMFVC sponsored a conference of Pandit TM Teachers in Kathmandu—these educators have been implementing Maharishi's Vedic Pandit program in 15 different locations. The conference discussions included how to strengthen all the educational programs and plans for future expansion were also discussed and finalized. The programs offered by the NMFVC are now being enjoyed by nearly 1,000 Vedic Students. Picture: Conference of the educators of the Maharishi Vedic Pandits organized by the NMFVC in Kathmandu, June 2015. May 2014 On May 1, 2014, the Maharishi Sthapatya Veda Yagyashala was formally inaugurated. From this date forward, daily Maharishi Vedic Yagyas are being performed in proper vastu with noticeable and profoundly positive effects being generated for the nation and all the citizens of Nepal, as predicted by the ancient Vedic Literature and the research on the positive effects of Transcendental Meditation and its advanced TM-Sidhi program. This important development has been appreciated by all the visitors to the NMFVC campus. Listening to the Vedic Recitations coming from the Maharishi Vedic Yagyashala had a calming yet enlivening effect on the visitors and generated a wonderful feeling of wholeness. Picture: 1. May 2014. Inauguration of the Vedic Yagyashalas built according to the principles of Maharishi Sthapatya Veda. April 2014 In April of 2014, the Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture (NMFVC) began the construction of the first Maharishi Sthapatya Veda Yagyashala. This very important construction project provided the first proper Maharishi Vastu building for the practice and performance of Maharishi Vedic Yagyas in Nepal. This structure gives an ideal and coherent environment for the Vedic Students to pursue their Vedic studies and daily performances of Maharishi Vedic Yagya. Picture: April 2014. Construction of the first Maharishi Sthapatya Veda Yagyashala. January 2014 The 12th of January each year, is an annual event celebrating the rise in collective consciousness throughout the world, resulting from the implementation of the programs offered by Maharishi’s Global Country of World Peace. The year 2014 began for the Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture with a large celebration attended by hundreds of people from the Kathmandu area including Vedic Students (Batuk Pandits), teachers of the Transcendental Meditation (TM) program, practitioners and supporters of Nepal’s TM program, the general public, and special guests. Picture: 12. January 2014. New Year’s celebration of the Nepal Maharishi Vedic Foundation (NMFVC) in Kathmandu with the Vedic Students (Batuk Pandits), teachers, supporters / sponsors and special guests. Hosted by Chairman Deepak Prakash Baskota, the special guest speakers were: Col. Jitendra Karki; Acharya Pushpala; Former Prime Minister of Nepal, Loknath Chand; and Dr. Govinda Tandon, Secretary General of the Pashupatinath Area Development Trust. Topics discussed included programs for the coming year and presentations related to Maharishi Vedic Science and the discoveries of modern science as they relate to Vedic Science. The day was inspiring for all who attended and the clear Sanskrit Vedic recitations of the young Batuk Pandits was appreciated by all the guests and educators. Everyone enjoyed seeing how quickly the students have progressed with their studies and how they have mastered their skills in Vedic Recitation. December 2013TheNepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture has taken a major step forward in 2013. This year we leased a very suitable Pandit Residential Facility near to the Pashupatinath Temple Complex in Kathmandu. We are now housing Maharishi Vedic Pandits as they continue their education in Vedic Science. Each morning the Pandits perform a Maharishi Vedic Yagya for the Peace of Nepal. The Pandit numbers are now growing as we maintain and develop the quality of their Vedic performances. This summer The Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture attracted a very high level educator, Acharya Pushpalal, to lead the specialized training of our residential Maharishi Vedic Pandits. Acharya Pushpalal is the Vice-Chairman of the Nepal Gurukul (Vedic Pandit Training School) Promotion Association and a competent educator to lead our Vedic Education programs. Also this past summer, we were honored to have a visit from Lothar Pirc of Germany, who has been the major inspiration to acquire the Pandit residential facility. Lothar toured our Pandit residential facilities and met extensively with: Nepal National Leader, Deepak Baskota; the Nepal Maharishi Vedic Pandits, and the Nepal Minister of Culture. Left picture: newly trained Pandits; Right picture:meeting with Member-Secretary, Pasupatinath Area Development Trust Later in the autumn we enjoyed a visit from Raja Kingsley Brooks and his wife Leslie, who were accompanied by Sthapatyaveda Architect, Wojtek Skalski. They held meetings with the Pashupatinath Area Development Trust Board members, to plan for the renovation of the Vishwarupa Temple, which is within the Pashupatinath Temple Complex. The Vishwarupa Temple is where our Maharishi Pandits perform their Rudrabhishek Yagya each day. The Trust Board recommended we collaborate with renowned German scholar of Nepali architecture. So with our newly formed Temple renovation team, we hope to restore the Vishwarupa Temple Complex to its original dignity and beauty so it can once again be a lighthouse of Yoga and Yagya. This historic and culturally rich Pashupatinath property will give The Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture a very prestigious home. Picture (from left to right): J. Pirc, Deepak Baskota, Minister of Culture Ram Kumar Shreshta, Lothar Pirc Our National Leader Deepak Baskota organized a series of high-level meetings with the Prime Minister of Nepal, the Minister of Culture, and the Director of the Pashupatinath Area Development Trust (see pictures). With the consent and well wishes of these Leaders of Nepal, we are proceeding rapidly to expand our Vedic programs in Nepal. We also want to express our appreciation to the renowned Acharya Arjun Bastola, Samhita Shastri Pandit, who was instrumental in organizing these top level meetings and continues to be a champion for restoring the timeless wisdom of the Vedas for the benefit of all mankind. May 2013 April 2013
When the new TM Teachers return to Nepal, there will be for the first time the teaching resource to effectively teach TM throughout the country and in the Vedic Gurukul Schools, in which the Vedic Pandits begin their Vedic Education. These Gurukuls are residential facilities that allow for the traditional lines of Vedic Education. Teaching TM in these Gurukuls will transform them into Consciousness Based Educational Institutions. In this way the Gurukuls will be providing the true ideal of Vedic Education, when through Vedic Technologies of Consciousness the Knower, the Known and the process of Knowing are all united in the Transcendental Field of Self-Referral consciousness, Total Knowledge. December 2012
He explained that Vedic Recitations and the Vedic Performances (Yagyas) as performed by the Vedic Pandits in Nepal are recognized by UNESCO as a significant part of the world’s cultural inheritance. UNESCO has proclaimed the tradition of Vedic recitation as “a masterpiece of the oral and intangible heritage of humanity”. From here Lothar spoke more precisely about the Vedic Technologies of Yoga and Yagya which have the ability to create peace and harmony in a country and create positive effects from a distance. The revival of the precision and effectiveness of the Vedic Yagyas was credited to the work of His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who through his wisdom and Knowledge, has applied the transforming power of these Vedic Technologies for the benefit of society. Mr. Pirc went on to explain that the essential ingredient of a successful Vedic Performance rests upon the consciousness of the Vedic Pandit himself. The quality of the Pandit is purified and strengthened by the technologies of Yoga (Transcendental Meditation and the TM-Sidhi Program including Yogic Flying) as taught and systematically presented to the world by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. All of us in attendance noted the keen interest of the audience and Vedic Pandits to these very deep points that were highlighted by Lothar. The audience was also impressed with the progress of the Nepal Maharishi Vedic Foundation in sponsoring the daily Rudra Bhishek Yagya on the grounds of the Pashupatinath Temple in Kathmandu, Nepal, and the plans of the Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture to support the ongoing Yagyas and the Vedic Gurukuls (Schools for Vedic Pandits) throughout Nepal. Immediately the senior organizers of the event offered to donate land in the nearby area for the use of such a Maharishi Vedic Gurukul. The Speech of Lothar Pirc as PDF (click to download)
April 2012 March 2012 January 2012 December 2011 As a result these leaders have become inspired to aid all aspects of Nepali life through the recognition and enlivenment of their own cultural values in order to enhance all areas of life in their country. This growing enthusiasm for Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture is most encouraging. By continuing to gift the Peak Performance Seminar to top Nepali leaders, local volunteer support will continue to grow.
During Mr. Pirc’s visit he attended the Vedic Recitations and met with the organizers of this program. He discussed the charitable help that German donors could provide to the cultural programs in Nepal and discussed a new foundation for Nepal that would provide transparency for donors. Both the foundations from Germany and Nepal have been established and chartered to lend support to the preservation of Vedic Culture through education and art. The German Charity and the Nepal Maharishi Foundation for Vedic Culture have been recognized by the Governments of Germany and Nepal as Charitable Organizations. July 2011 They also enjoyed the profound Vedic recitations from 4 Maharishi Vedic Pandits from MERU, Holland. The Maharishi Ayurveda Health Center sponsored the event including a delicious Ayurvedic meal and a boat ride on the river Lahn. March 2011 During his visit Mr. Pirc became aware of the power and beauty of the Vedic tradition of oral recitation in Nepal as restored by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi; much like he restored the Science of Ayurveda throughout the world. Simultaneously, Mr. Pirc saw first-hand that the cultural depths of Nepal appeared to be in sad decline. Many historical places of Vedic Recitations and Performances were rapidly deteriorating. He became inspired to not just accept this decline, but to do something about it. It was then that he began a German charity to assist with the preservation of this unique cultural tradition. |
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